

原创2024-02-26 20:28:57来源:用户投稿


一般现在时态Apples are eaten by me every day. 对应主动语态是 I eat apples every day. 一般过去时态Two apples were eaten by me yesterday. 对应的主动语态是 I ate two apples yesterday. 现在进行时态An apple is being eaten by me now. 对应主动语态 I am eating an apple now. 一般将来时态An apple will be eaten by me soon. 对应的主动语态 I will eat an apple soon.


5.情态动词的被动语态:情态动词+be+过去分词 6.被动常用句型: 主语+get+ 过去分词+其它。

主语+be+形容词+to be+过去分词+其它。

主语+谓语+to be+过去分词+其它。

主语+被动式谓语+介词/副词+(by执行者) It + 被动式谓语+名/形+实际主语+其它。

It +被动式谓语+实际主语(that(连接疑问代词或连接疑问副词+从句)。







) He went out when I got there.当我到那儿时,他出去了。



例如: He was punished by his father. 他受到他父亲的惩罚。


) 在被动语态的句子中,如果想强调动作的执行者时,用介词by加动作的执行者来表示。

例如: On the way home, he was beaten by Tom. 在回家的路上,他被汤姆打了。

The glass on the desk was broken by me. 桌子上的玻璃杯是我打碎的。

常用的十种被动语态 被动语态的构成:助动词be +动词的过去分词。

英语中最常用的被动语态有十种: 1.一般现在时:由am / are / is +done构成。

例如: I am often praised by the teachers. 我经常受到老师们的表扬。

He is a good teacher. He is respected by the teachers and his students. 他是位好老师,受到师生们的好评。

2.一般过去时:由was / were+done构成。

例如: I was asked to go to Harbin on business yesterday.我昨天被派往哈尔滨出差了。

This teaching building was completed the day before yesterday.这栋教学大楼是前天竣工的。

She was criticized because she was late for school yesterday.由于昨天上学迟到,她受到了批评。

This novel was published in 1998. 这本小说是在1998年出版的。

3.一般将来时:由shall / will be+done构成。

例如: The sports meeting will be put off.运动会将被推迟。

I am sure that we shall be invited to the party.我们肯定会被邀请参加舞会的。

He will be sent to work the United States.他将被派往美国去工作。

4.一般过去将来时:由should / would be +done构成。

例如: He told me that he would be asked to attend the opening ceremony.他告诉我说他将被邀请参加开幕式。

She said that the work would be done by herself.她说她将自己做此工作。

I asked him if he would be criticized by the teacher. 我问他是否会受到老师的批评。

5.现在进行时:由am / are / is +being+done构成。

例如: The new teaching building is being built. 新的教学大楼正在修建。

The street in front of my house is being widened. 我家前面的那条街道正在加宽。

Listen! He is being punished by the teacher.听!老师在惩罚他。

6.过去进行时:由was/ were +being+done构成。

例如: He realized that he was being made fun of.他意识到有人在取笑他。

When I got there, the case which happened five days ago was being investigated. 我到那儿时,五天前发生的案件正在调查。

My little brother was being scolded by my father when I got home.我到家时,我小弟弟正在受我父亲的责备。

例如: This class has been taught by me for three years. 这个班我已经教了三年了。

He has been praised since he came here.自从他来这儿以来,一直受到表扬。

This computer has been repaired. 这台电脑已经修好了。

This novel has been translated into English and French.这本小说已被译成了英语和法语。

8.过去完成时:由had +been+done构成:例如: By the time I came back, the work had been finished.到我回来时,此工作已经完成。

When I got there , he had been killed.我到那儿时,他已经被人杀害了。

He told me that production costs in their factory had been greatly reduced.他告诉我说他们工厂的生产成本大大地降低了。

例如: This work must be finished before tomorrow. 此工作必须在明天以前完成。

例如: If you think we are to be bullied, you are wrong.如果你认为我们好欺侮的话,你错了。

This book is going to be finished next week.这本书将在下周写完。

在以下情况用被动语态: 1.不知道或也没有必要说明动作的执行者时:例如: This city is well supplied with water.这个城市供水情况良好。

The meeting has been postponed till Friday.会议延期到星期五举行。

Visitors are requested not to touch the exhibits.请参观者不要用手摸展品。

2.当说话人强调动作的执行者时:例如: This school was set up by me. 这所学校是我办的。

This teaching building was designed by my brother.这栋教学楼是我弟弟设计的。

常用的被动句句型 1、主语+get+过去分词+其他。



This story eventually got translated into English. 这篇小说终于译成了英语。




例如: She was unlucky to be injured in that accident.她不幸的是在事故中受伤。

No matter where you go, you are bound to be received warmly. 你无论到哪儿,一定会受到热情地接待。

Cast Iron is apt to be broken.生铁容易破裂。

3、主语+谓语+to be +过去分词+其它。



例如: Would you like to be taught English? 你愿意学习英语吗? He asked to be sent to work in the countryside after graduation.毕业之后他请求到农村去工作。

He seemed to be shut up in himself like a shellfish.他看来像贝壳似地把自己关闭起来,一点也不作声。



例如: She was well looked after when I was away.当我不在时,她被照顾得很好。

That man over there can be depended on. 那边的那个人是可以依赖的。

5、 It(形式主语)+被动式谓语+名词或者形容词+实际主语+其它。

本句型的特点:It是形式主语,实际主语应该是动词不定式短语、动词不定式复合结构(for sb. to do sth.)、动词名词的复合结构(one’s doing )。

例如: It was found hard for us to master English in a year.我们已经发现要在一年之内精通英语是很难的。

6、 It+被动式谓语+实际主语(that或者连接疑问代词或者连接疑问副词+从句)。



例如: It has been made clear who will take part in the sports meet.谁将参加运动会已经宣布了。

It has been decided when and where we are to hold the meeting. 我们何时何地举行会议,已经决定了。


Education must be combined with production labor. 教育必须与生产劳动相结合。

Mr. Black was given a prize.布拉克先生得了奖。



例如: He was appointed manager of the company.他被任命为公司的经理。

His father was pronounced out of danger by the doctor. 医生已经宣布他的父亲脱离危险状态。

Because of his illness, he was not permitted to play cricket.因为他有病,不许他玩板球。

I lose my key. The truck had to be broken open.我丢了钥匙,只得把衣箱破开。



例如: Any books and magazines are not permitted to be taken out of the library. 任何书刊不准带出图书馆。

使用被动语态时应注意的事项 1、动词be +过去分词这个结构,并非都是被动结构。



例如: The bowl is broken. 这个碗碎了。

(系表结构) The bowl was broken by my little brother.这个碗是我小弟弟打破的。

(被动结构) The classroom is crowded with students.教室里挤满了学生。

(系表示结构) The students were crowded into the classroom.学生们被塞到教室里。

(被动结构) The teaching building is completed.教学楼已经修好。

(系表结构) The teaching building was completed last month.教学楼是上个月建成的。

(被动结构) 2、在动词need,require 和want之后用主动表示被动。

如: The room needs cleaning / to be cleaned.这个房间需要清扫了。

The floor requires washing / to be washed. 地板需要洗刷了。



常用的动词有:become of 结果成为,遭受,look like看起来象,suit适合,contain 包含,equal 等于,hold容纳,mean意味着,consist of 由……组成等。

例如: I joined the Party in 1978. 我是在1978入党的。

This room can hold 100 people. 这个房间能容纳100人。

This book belongs to me. 这本书属于我的。

We had a wonderful time yesterday.昨天我们玩得很痛快。

She left Harbin for Shanghai the day before yesterday.前天她离开哈尔滨去上海了。


例如: I hope to do this work by myself. 我希望自己做此工作。

Do you like to do some reading? 你喜欢读点书吗? 8、当宾语是主语身体的一部分时,一般来说,不能变成被动语态。

例如: At the bad news, she shook her head sadly. 一听到这个坏消息,他就悲伤地摇了摇头。




例如: The employee says hello to the employer every morning.每天早晨雇员向雇主问候。

The payer didn’t believe in the payee.付款人不信任收款人。


